counter free hit unique web Katie Price accused of photoshop fail as fans are distracted by detail in sweet pic with Harvey – open Dazem

Katie Price accused of photoshop fail as fans are distracted by detail in sweet pic with Harvey

KATIE Price has been called out by fans who have accused her of photoshopping her latest pictures with son Harvey. 

The mum-of-five posted a sweet picture alongside son Harvey, sharing a hug with him in their kitchen with her arms around his neck. 

Katie Price and Harvey Price embracing.
Backgrid via Katie Price

Katie’s latest picture had a lot of people talking[/caption]

Katie Price and her son Harvey sitting outdoors.

Katie dotes on her eldest son, looking after him[/caption]

Doting mum Katie is seen staring lovingly at her 22-year-old boy, who has a series of disabilities including Prader-Willi Syndrome and autism, as he towers over her 6ft 2in and looks just as lovingly back at her. 

She captioned the pic: “Fun weekend in the sun with Harvey 💚💚💚

But fans were quick to notice that Katie may have tweaked the photo a bit too much to clear and smooth out her skin and cheek bone, noticing that her eyebrow had been lengthened and her earlobe had disappeared, creating a dragging ear hole down the side of her face. 

“What’s happened to her ear???” questioned one fan. 

Another went a step further and wrote: “Is no one going to point out that this is clearly AI?” 

A third believed it was done deliberately, and wrote: “Her face is obviously edited if you zoom it in, it’s done to create comments and controversy because she’s a very clever business woman and you all just play into it, it’s comical really.” 

“All that work done and then editing your face,” said a fourth. 

The new comments come after Katie has shared her determination to turn her life around after a string of financial issues leaving her in debt and declared bankrupt twice.

Over the past year, Katie has downsized her house, sold her notorious pink Range Rover, and is heading out on a sure-to-be scandalous tour alongside Kerry Katona.

She’s also been open about her struggles with fertility, revealing that she had an unexpected miscarriage after falling pregnant with boyfriend JJ Slater’s baby.

Katie had already been warned that she has a less than 1% chance of conceiving a child, but is persevering with a new round of IVF after becoming desperate for a sixth baby.

In February, she also revealed that she is struggling with son Harvey after his Last month the mum-of-five revealed he was deemed “too difficult” by staff at the facility and removed from it.

Harvey, whose has learning disabilities including autism, has difficulties processing his feelings, which at times can cause him to lash out violently.

In the past, this has included him breaking the window of Katie’s car after getting him frustrated with the hiccups, and punching holes in walls.

She moved him into a residential care facility in the hope it would give him some level of independence into adulthood, while also having professionals on hand to give him the help he needs.

She’s since found him a new place to stay, and he moves in next month.

Harvey Price and Katie Price at the National Television Awards.

Harvey has a string of disabilities including Prada-Willi syndrome and autism[/caption]

Woman in leopard print dress in kitchen.
Depop / Katie Price

The star often comes under fire for her pictures[/caption]

Katie Price and her son Harvey Price sit together at a table.

The star often appears with Harvey, who stars alongside her in documentaries[/caption]

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