A UK airport is set to close in weeks to make way for a controversial new housing estate.
More than a thousand objections have been submitted against developer Vistry Homes’ plans for hundreds of properties at Tollerton Airfield – home of Nottingham City Airport.
But all businesses – including the airport itself, training schools, a cafe and air traffic building, have been told to leave by June 6 despite planning permission having not even been granted.
The proposals were submitted to Rushcliffe Borough Council in March last year before a petition was launched by group Save Nottingham City Airfield.
Other sites were said to be being considered following the push back, but ultimately nothing came to fruition.
On top of the job losses, the development will mean emergency helicopters losing a refuelling site, and there’ll be a negative impact on biodiversity.
The Chocks Away cafe is also used by children with special needs.
Site owner Brain Wells has confirmed he was sent the notice to vacate the site on Tuesday (March 4), reports NottinghamshireLive.
Operators Truman Aviation sold the airfield to Vistry in June 2022 with the intention of submitting a planning application to redevelop the site.
“The developers were determined to have everywhere shut down for when they came to planning,” Mr Wells said.
“We agreed we’d have two to five years here before they would take over. They even suggested they could keep one runway open for us.
“But the main board of developers say they’ve had enough of all these people protesting and decided to shut it down sooner rather than later.”
He added that “it’s very sad” how things have developed much quicker than hoped for, and said the closure will mean “numerous redundancies”.
The airfield dates back to the 20th Century, when it was home to several flying clubs, and then as a commercial airport until the late 1940s.
During World War Two it was acquired by the Air Ministry and became RAF Tollerton.
Up to 1,600 homes are set to be built at the site if plans are approved.
Sarah Deacon, chair of Save Nottingham City Airfield, said the notice given is “cruel” and said the group is shocked Vistry “would force the closure” of businesses and cause redundancies when the application hasn’t even gone to committee yet.
A spokesperson for Vistry said: “With the site having been allocated for development a decade ago, we are keen to progress our plans and commence construction of the new homes, subject to planning permission.
“Vistry’s site forms part of the wider allocation which ensures that infrastructure is delivered alongside the new homes providing new schools, sports facilities, green spaces, employment land and community facilities.
“We estimate that some 500 direct and indirect jobs will be created during the construction stage of Vistry’s application, and once the full site allocation is completed some 1,450 jobs are expected to be created.
“We have worked closely with the council on this comprehensive development and have consulted widely with the local community.
“We look forward to making further progress on these plans and providing Rushcliffe residents with much-needed new and affordable homes and employment opportunities.”
The Sun has approached Vistry, Truman Aviation and Rushcliffe Borough Council for comment.

An aerial view of Nottingham City Airport at Tollerton Airfield[/caption]