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5 Simple Tricks for a Flatter Stomach: Trim Tummy Tips From Dietitians, Doctors and Experts

Closer shares five simple tips and tricks to help get a flatter stomach. Dietitians, doctors and experts weigh in on how to get a trim tummy in time for summer!

Get Moving to Burn Some Calories

While exercise is obvious, one in particular may not be — planking. According to Medical News Today, “the standard plank engages the following muscles: the core, a group of major muscles that connect the spine and pelvis; the upper abdominal muscles and the lower abdominal muscles. Planking burns more calories than other abdominal exercises, since it engages the arms, legs, and back.”

Add Fiber to Your Diet to Help With Weight Managment

Per Lena Beal, a therapeutic dietitian with Piedmont Heart, eating high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains “helps food move through your intestine,” giving your tummy a flatter appearance. But, she notes, it’s best to do this slowly, as “adding too much too quickly may result in gas, bloating and cramping.”

Probiotics Are Beneficial and Can Be Just as Tasty

For nutritionist Jonny Bowden, author of The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth, “Probiotics are ‘good’ bacteria that help your digestive system break down food, preventing the gastrointestinal issues that can keep you from having a flat stomach.” Good sources of a probiotic-rich food are yogurt, kimchi, miso and even sauerkraut.

Don’t Forget to Prioritize Optimal Sleep

“When we don’t sleep well or we’re sleep-deprived, it can impact hunger hormones,” says Cleveland Clinic dietitian Dr. David Creel. “There’s actually a biochemical response to sleep deprivation that makes us want to eat more.”

Stress Less to Improve Overall Well-Being

“Life’s little stresses actually increase the brain’s production of cortisol, the fight-or-flight hormone that was useful when we, like, lived in caves,” say experts at Western Kentucky University. “Today, cortisol just causes extra fat storage in the abdomen, rather than helping you outrun a saber-toothed tiger!”

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