Here’s a recap of the actions taken by the Susanville City Council at its Wednesday, March 5 meeting.
The Susanville City Council met in closed session for two items — a conference with labor negotiators (Administrative Bargaining Unit) and an evaluation of the City Manager. The council took no reportable action and gave direction to staff.
The council unanimously approved its consent calendar (minutes from the Feb. 19 meeting, vendor and payroll warrants, Resolution No. 25-6412 modifying the Position Classification List and a memorandum of understanding with the Administrative Bargaining Unit and Resolution No. 25-6413 supporting the Susanville Little League Opening Day Parade and authorizing street closures for the parade from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Saturday, April 5); unanimously approved Resolution No. 25-6414 accepting the city’s Audited Financial Statements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023; unanimously approved Resolution No. 25-6415 authorizing a budget amendment for the Public Works Department’s Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System; unanimously approved appointing Maria Fregulia to both the Susanville Planning Commission and the city’s Sales Tax Oversight Board; gave direction to staff regarding local gas pricing; by a 4-1 vote (Council member Patrick Parish made the lone no vote) directed the city’s ad-hoc committee to negotiate an agreement between the city and the Susanville Symphony Society regarding the Sierra Theater Performing Arts Center.
The council’s next meeting will be held at 4:30 p.m. March 19.
Information provided by Lassen News
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